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Ewam Kusum Ling
Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism
Humboldt County, California USA
If you already paid for the Two-Year Program via Tier 1 or Tier 2 your registration is complete.
You do not need to go to the next page.
Registration FAQ
Do you offer a student discount?
Do you offer a senior discount?
Do you offer scholarships?
Do you offer partial or full work trade?
Are there any other ways to attend programs at a discount?
Why does the Two-Year program cost so much?
Why should I pay for spiritual teachings at all?
Can I have an interview with Lama Karma?
Do you offer a student discount?
Yes. If you are student, Kindergarten through PhD, please use coupon code STUDENT108 for 10% off any Tier.
Do you offer a senior discount?
Yes. If you are 65 years or older please use coupon code SENIOR108 for 10% off any Tier.
Do you offer scholarships?
Yes. Please email
Do you offer partial or full work trade?
Yes. Contact for details.
Are there any other ways to attend programs at a discount?
Residents at Ewam Kusum Ling attend programs free.
Why does the Two-Year program cost so much?
For some, the cost may seem like a lot. Keep in mind that the registration fee covers a lot! You will receive 49 Sunday teachings, 12 two-day retreats, several one-day guest retreats, six-day Drubchods, PDFs of translated texts, video recordings, and occasional interviews with Lama Karma over a period of two years.
We have created what we feel is a fair price. Registration fees go toward paying the lamas, translators, text translators, and travel costs for the lamas. No money whatsoever is going to Amri or the center.
We want to make these teachings available to all who seek them. We know many people are facing financial hardships this year. Please contact us if you want to join and absolutely can't manage the cost. We'll help you brainstorm.
Why should I pay for spiritual teachings at all?
There is a misconception in the West that spiritual teachings should be free. Meanwhile people will often pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a degree from a university with professors who receive a salary. Professors have families and normal life expenses. The cost of a degree pays for professors' salaries, upkeep of the university, and a percentage goes to profit for the corporation.
Here we are not making any profit for the corporation. We are completely dedicated to bringing benefit to our members, students, the community, and all beings.
That includes the lamas.
Just like professors, Lamas have worked hard their entire lives to be qualified as a teachers of the dharma. Lamas also often have families to take care of, children, lineageholders, normal housing and health costs, and they need to eat, travel and meet life's regular expenses just like a professor or any one of us.
The system in the East created by Buddha Shakyamuni was a system of lay practitioners and monastic community. Nowadays Naljors, or yogic masters, are somewhat of a merger of the two. They have not only have dedicated their entire lives to strict practice, but the also have consorts and offspring. In the system of old, lay practitioners would generate merit and blessings by making offerings to the monastics and yogis who often lived in monasteries or as beggars. It was understood that lay practitioners would create positive circumstances and blessings in their lives by supporting those who were working for the benefit of humanity and all sentient beings. Both paths have their own dharma. The lay practitioner who has the means to support others furthers their own merit and travels together toward enlightenment with those who have the grace to spend their lives in practice.
Can I have an interview with Lama Karma?
Yes, interviews will be made periodically available for participants in the Two-Year program.
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